合約編號 HY/2020/07
青山公 路(管青路至海榮路)擴闊工程
合约编号 HY/2020/07
Contract No.:HY/2020/07
Widening of Castle Peak Road
between Kwun Tsing Road and
Hoi Wing Road

Commissioning of Two-lane
Dual Carriageway on 24 August 2024
The section of Castle Peak Road between Kwun Tsing Road and Hoi Wing Road widening of road to dual-two lane carriageway has just been accomplished and opened to public on 24 August 2024 to cater for the current traffic demand. Subsequent road resurfacing works will be carried out in phases to bring the road surface condition to the final standard. We are now liaising closely with the traffic authorities on necessary temporary traffic arrangements for the road resurfacing works with a viewing to commencing the works as early as possible with the least impact on the traffic. Upon completion of the resurfacing works, the road surface condition and riding comfort will reach final standard and quality. The road resurfacing works, among other remaining works, are scheduled to commence in October 2024 for completion by second quarter of 2025.