合約編號 HY/2020/07
合约编号 HY/2020/07
Contract No.:HY/2020/07
Widening of Castle Peak Road
between Kwun Tsing Road and
Hoi Wing Road

Care of Community - Greening and Conservation
Retaining of Monument Rock of Ki Lun Kong Public Park
The proposed road widening works will be carried out along the side of the existing Castle Peak Road – Castle Peak Bay. By making use of the available areas, no resumption of private land will be required for the Project. The monument rock situated at the Ki Lun Kong Public Park will be retained at the existing position, and imposes restriction to the road widening works adjacent to Sam Shing Estate.

Tree Preservation and Landscape Design
As requested by the residents, part of proposed noise barriers have been deleted and proposed road width was revised. Tree survey has been carried out to review total number of affected trees along the road section. In addition, proposed alignment would be reviewed to minimise the impact to existing trees.
To continue contacting green groups to discuss the tree preservation scheme; e.g. transplantation at adjacent locations / along road section such as Castle Peak Road Castle Peak Bay and proper areas within Tuen Mun district.
To examine greening schemes and add landscape design , e.g. add some planting theme. Based on the Greening Master Plan for Tuen Mun, add the planting theme “Ruby Flowers, Emerald Mountain”. Proposed tree species include: Liquidambar formosana, Delonix regia and Terminalia catappa and the theme colour is red.

Landscaping Design with Planting Scheme

Landscaping Design with Planting Scheme
Inspired by the Flame of the Forest in Tuen Mun Park and the renowned Castle Peak, the theme “Ruby Flowers, Emerald Mountain” implies beautification of Tuen Mun with bright and colorful flowering plants.
Noise Mitigation Measures
Design Concept of Noise Enclosure
The vertical members of the noise enclosure is approximately 5.8m high and they are connected to the arched enclosure. The arched enclosure will be designed to blend in with the existing footbridge to enhance integration between the existing and proposed facilities.
The noise enclosure is designed to be semi-enclosed (i.e. enclosed design towards Sam Shing Estate; open design towards the Park as there is no noise sensitive receiver on the side).
The concrete profile barrier at the bottom is approximately 0.8m high.
There is approximately 2m high non-transparent absorptive panels above the concrete profile barrier on the side adjacent to Sam Shing Estate; whereas the remaining height and the enclosure are transparent materials.
Green colour theme with white frame is proposed for the noise enclosure in order to tie in with the surrounding greening environment.

Design Concept of Noise Barrier
The overall height of noise barrier is approximately 8.6 m.
The vertical height of the cantilever noise barrier is about 5.8m with an approximately 4m long inclined panel.
The concrete profile barrier at the bottom is approximately 0.8m high.
There is approximately 2m high non-transparent absorptive panels above the concrete profile barrier.
The panels above absorptive panels are transparent.
Green colour theme with white frame is proposed for the noise enclosure in order to tie in with the surrounding greening environment.
Planters for trees or shrubs are proposed adjacent to noise barrier along the footpath to enhance the local greenery subject to the availability of space at particular locations.